In 2004, after eleven years of self imposed exile in rural
Massachusetts, Zuckerman has finally returned to the formally familiar New York
City. At age seventy-one the fictional writer of fiction is falling apart both mentally
and physically. He is both impotent as well as incontinent and is also beginning
to show signs of mental decay, likely the result of Alzheimer’s disease.
Zuckerman encounters a host of both new and old characters. He meets a thirtyish couple, Billy Davidoff
and Jamie Logan. The married pair are struggling writers whose fear of a post
09/11 terrorist attack is counterbalanced by their strong ire and despair over
the Bush administration and its policies. Zuckerman becomes smitten and
somewhat obsessed with Jamie. However, the former womanizer is reduced to
writing intellectualized romantic fantasies of an encounter with her in lieu of
the real thing.
Zuckerman also encounters for the first time in nearly fifty
years, Amy Bellette. This is where an intimate connection is established with
the first Zuckerman novel, The Ghost
Writer. In that work, set in 1956, a young Zuckerman
is invited to the home of his literary
idol E.I. Lonoff. During his visit Zuckerman witnesses the breakup of Lonoff’s
marriage precipitated by an affair with Lonoff’s young protégée Amy. At this
time Zuckerman is also erotically and intellectually drawn to Amy. In a plot
twist related to Zuckerman’s ongoing theme of shifting identities, Zuckerman
comes to believe in a strange fantasy that Amy is actually Ann Frank who has survived
the Holocaust. Zuckerman does eventually come to realize that this belief is
In Exit Ghost we learn that following the events described in The Ghost
Writer, Lonoff and Amy married. In the ensuing four years Lonoff, who had
previously only penned short stories, was working on a novel. Progress on the book
was cut short by his death. An aged Amy is now poverty stricken and declining
due to a brain tumor.
Richard Kliman, a friend of Jamie, is badgering both Zuckerman and
Amy as he is attempting to put together a biography of Lonoff that will
highlight a supposed scandalous affair between the writer and his sister. Richard
believes that the aborted novel was a fictionalized account of the incestuous
relationship. Richard is aggressive and arrogant. Zuckerman is appalled by
Richard’s ways but he does remind our protagonist of his own younger self. Both
Zuckerman and Amy philosophically object to Richard’s digging for scandal as
well as the entire concept of searching for real events and people when attempting
to explain the work of a fiction writer. The ever-cagey Roth seems to provide
evidence in support of both sides to this argument.
There are so many themes presented in this book that it is
difficult to coherently summarize them all. The motifs also interact and intertwine
with one another further defying systematic description. Of course there is
Roth’s old standby of identity and people’s perception of it. In addition, there
is the question of whether fiction is a mirror of reality and real people and
events, verses being only a product of a writer’s imagination. There is also an
exploration of the issues surrounding once young and vibrant people coping with
physical and mental decline. There are serious ruminations on the philosophical
ramifications on isolation and voluntary withdrawal from the world and its
Roth also delves into the concept of an older person trying to
connect and come to terms with both the past and the present. There are
multiple references to Joseph Conrad’s “The Shadow Line”. I have not read that
work, but a little research leads me to believe that it was concerned with related
As if Roth did not have enough to cram in here, Exit Ghost is also very political, excoriating the American right
wing. At one point Zuckerman describes George W. Bush as an “Imbecile King”.
Since this is the last that time that we are likely to
visit Nathan Zuckerman I will try to focus on his character here as well as in
the proceeding books. Though never a simplistic persona, Roth seems to be
suggesting that there are two overriding aspects that defined Zuckerman’s life
as well as his own perception of himself. First, his gift at writing great and
meaningful fiction that is a reflection of the real world. Second, as we saw in
previous books, he was an enormously promiscuous womanizer. Zuckerman had
affair after affair, sometimes simultaneously with a vast assortment of women.
The trysts were only interspaced with a string of short lived and unsuccessful marriages.
Eleven years prior to the events of Exit Ghost Zuckerman
became impotent which put an end to his sexual and emotional escapades and was
one of several factors that prompted his withdrawal and isolation from the
world. As this novel proceeds, it is apparent to both Zuckerman and the reader
that senility is closing in and that he is now also losing his ability to
Zuckerman is strongly attracted to Jamie who he knows that he cannot have for many reasons. I get the
sense that he feels that in his younger days he would have found it easy to
seduce this woman. Roth however throws out some hints that he may hold a
distorted vision of his former powers. Once again we see some difference in
perception of self verses reality.
Roth’s books often contain fictions within fictions. In what is
likely to be his last creative piece, Zuckerman is writing a short play titled “He
and She” about a flirtation between himself and Jamie. What makes this fiction
interesting is that it is not completely off the wall, but it does vary from
reality subtly. For Zuckerman, writing these variations and extrapolations on
reality is a part of who he is and how he exists in the world. At one point he
ruminates on the subject.
“But isn't one's pain quotient
shocking enough without fictional amplification, without giving things an
intensity that is ephemeral in life and sometimes even unseen? Not for some.
For some very, very few that amplification, evolving uncertainly out of
nothing, constitutes their only assurance, and the unlived, the surmise, fully
drawn in print on paper, is the life whose meaning comes to matter most. “
Jamie’s character in “He and She” is different, but only a little
different, from the real women. Again, the theme of perception verses reality
rears its head as some aspects of the story are based upon false impressions
that Zuckerman has drawn. Of course the people that I am referring to as “real”
are fictional characters themselves in Exit Ghost. This confusion is clearly Roth playing with the idea of
storytelling and identity again.
Jamie, in “real” life, is confident about her physical attractiveness.
However, her fictionalized persona is just a little more self assured and
sexually confident then the actual “real” woman. Zuckerman’s fictional Jamie is
likely having an extramarital affair with Richard, where in reality Jamie seems
to be faithful to her husband.
Finally in reality, Zuckerman attempts to seduce Jamie over the
phone and induce her to visit his hotel room. He fails in his attempt. In his
fictional account however, Zuckerman secedes in convincing her. As she is on
her way to the liaison, the fictional Zuckerman, who is also impotent in the tale
as well, flees the hotel and New York before she arrives, having lost his abilities
both sexually and creatively. The fictional Zuckerman, and presumably the real
Zuckerman, whose former powers have vanished, will return to isolation, probably
until the end.
The story within the story, “He and She” says a lot about
Zuckerman. As he alludes to, Zuckerman perceives his fictions as reflections
and interpretations of the real world, pain included. He is still egotistical
enough to believe that he can talk a women forty years his junior into an
affair, but is facing the reality that he would be unable to perform in such a
situation. With the loss of his mental faculties and his inability to think and
write, he withdraws himself from the world that he once thrived in. He does so
without sentimentality or even a strong sense of despair. Since Roth has
effectively conveyed these feelings in other characters, I must assume that
this is no oversight here.
Once again, I have barely touched upon the themes,
philosophic ruminations and character studies found in this work. Exit Ghost is an extraordinary swan song for Zuckerman. Like real
life, many of the story threads as well as themes are left unresolved. For fans
of Roth and the series, this is very well done finale.
Emma at Book around the Corner has some really good commentary up on this book here.
Emma at Book around the Corner has some really good commentary up on this book here.
I also have also written commentary on other Zuckerman books, The Human Stain and I Married a Communist.