Welcome to our discussion on chapters 20 -23. This
week’s questions and my answers are below.
The events of Chapter
20 are very strange, yet Jane does everything Rochester asks her to do, and
continues to trust him, for the most part. She does ask him some questions, but
makes no demands for an explanation of what's really going on at Thornfield,
nor does she seek another position, in spite of her fears and inner doubts. How
can her behavior be explained?
Jane is not in a strong
position. She is an employee. Perhaps more importantly Jane has been in places
that are much worse then Thornfield. In fact, even with the odd occurrences,
one can argue that Thornfield may be the best place that Jane has ever been.
Furthermore, as I have noted earlier, Rochester is a strong personality. There
must certainly be some temptation for Jane to go along.
This does raise an
interesting question about Jane’s character. She seems to vary between a
relatively passive person who does just go along, and a strong person who
vigorously stand by her convictions. Here she is playing the passive role. When
her inner beliefs are challenged, that is when she seems to show a lot of will.
Rochester pressures
the doctor to rush Mason out of the house and away, even though the latter is
seriously injured. What do you think of this action, and why he took it?
actions seem to go along with Rochester’s actions to deceive as well as to be
secretive. As we progress through the book we will no doubt find out why he is
so mysterious here.
effect on the narrative at least for me, is to really draw the reader in with a
terrific sense if mystery.
What do you think of
Eliza and Georgina as adults?
It seems that the maliciousness of the sisters’
childhood has reaped a bitter adulthood. The two now hate one another. Eliza seems to
have allowed religion to make her self - righteous. Georgina has become bitter.
I think that Bronte may be trying to show the results of a having malicious
behavior encouraged in childhood.
Do you think Jane was
right to forgive Mrs. Reed in light of the important information the later
withheld from Jane for three years?
think that Jane would have forgiven Mrs. Reed anyway. This seems consistent
with her personality. Though at times she is inconsistent about it, in many
ways Jane does exhibit a Christian worldview and behaves as such. In addition
to concealing the fact of Jane’s inheritance, Mrs. Reed has treated Jane
terribly, yet Jane forgives her anyway.
Personally, I almost never fault anyone for
forgiving others who have transgressed against them.

Jane is a person of strong emotions. Furthermore, though in some ways
introverted, she seems to always eventually speak her mind. Here she finally articulates
her feelings for Rochester, as well as the life that she has found at
Thornfield. Jane also is clearly in love with Rochester.
A terrible storm suddenly springs up, as Chapter 23 draws to a close.
During the night, lightning strikes the horse-chestnut tree, at the base of
which Jane and Rochester had sat earlier. The tree is split in two. Do you
think this is a bad omen? If so, what do you think it means?
This has bad omen written all over it. Obviously something sinister is
going to come between Jane and Rochester. I am of two minds about the symbolism
here. It is deliciously powerful. On the other hand I do think that one could
argue that it is a little over the top, melodramatic and heavy handed.
Next week we will be reading chapters 24 – 28. Below are our discussion questions. As always please feel free to answer as many, or as few as you would like.
At several points both Rochester
and Jane refer to each other in terms of mythical creatures and magic. Why do
you think that they do this?
In Chapter 24 when
Rochester jokingly compares Jane to a Turkish slave girl Jane becomes indignant
and replies sharply to him. Does this say anything about Jane’s personality and
the relationship between the two?
At one point, after
gazing at the damaged horse-chestnut tree, Jane gathers apples in the garden
and remarks “ I employed myself in dividing the ripe from the unripe” Do you
think that there is any significance to this?
In chapter 25 Jane
relates to Rochester several of her dreams. What do you make of them?
Rochester is revealed to
have perpetrated a major deception upon Jane in regards to his first marriage.
What does this say about Rochester?
What do you think of Jane’s decision to flee from Rochester?
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Please link all posts using the widget below so that we can all read them.
Week 6: Oct. 27th
Reading: Chapters 24 - 28
Discussion Questions: Chapters 20 - 23
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
Babbling Books
Week 7: Nov. 3rd
Reading: Chapters 29 - 33
Discussion Questions: Chapters 24 - 28
Discussion Question for Next Week:
A Night's Dream of Books
Week 8: Nov. 10th
Reading: Chapters 34 - 38
Discussion Questions: Chapters 29 - 33
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
Babbling Books
Week 9: Nov. 17th
Discussion Questions, Chapters 34 - 38
Week 9: Nov. 21st
Book Reviews Posted