From time to time I will be blogging about books relating to feminist themes. Some of my general thoughts
on feminism and the issue of violence directed at women are here.

I wrote about some of the basic points made by Susan Brownmiller in Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape here.
Brownmiller spends many words elaborating and
clarifying this statement.
Her first assertion is that the act of rape, and
its ensuring fear, have been used intentionally by some men to oppress and control women. Up until this point, this
theory of dominance and oppression is very convincing to me. I wrote about it
in more detail in my previous post.
First, some clarification is in order. The
author is not saying that all men intentionally rape; she is just saying
that all men benefit from rape. Brownmiller
contends that throughout human history, the threat and fear of rape is the
primary mechanism used to oppress women. Thus, based upon her reasoning, all
men benefit.
The author goes on to say,
world without rapists would be a world in which women moved freely without fear
of men. That some men rape provides a sufficient threat to keep all women in a
constant state of intimidation, forever conscious of the knowledge that the
biological tool must be held in awe for it may turn to weapon with sudden
swiftness borne of harmful intent."
Though I think that there is an important
underlying point in the above, in my opinion, Brownmiller goes too far. Gender
roles, including those that have oppressed women, are rooted in multiple and
complex factors. Such factors include actual reproductive differences, intimidation
through the use of physical strength in ways other than rape, etc. The author
does make a convincing argument that the threat and fear of rape has been one
of these factors, perhaps a very important one. I am not so sure that I agree that
rape is the primary factor in the historic oppression of women.
Brownmiller goes further. If I understand her
reasoning, and there is the possibility that I may not be, she contends that
rape and fear of rape have played so great a part in gender related social
structures that they are the causes of people’s tendency to form monogamous
relationships. She writes of our ancestors, who were women,
those creatures who were her predators, some might serve as her chosen
protectors. Perhaps it was thus that the risky bargain was struck. Female fear
of an open season of rape, and not a natural inclination toward monogamy,
motherhood or love, was probably the single causative factor in the original
subjugation of woman by man, the most important key to her historic dependence,
her domestication by protective mating."
This is, indeed, a very controversial opinion
about society. If I comprehend this correctly, Brownmiller seems to be contending
that monogamous relationships, and thus marriage, came about in human history primarily due to women’s need to be
protected from rape. Furthermore, such monogamous relationships led to the
subjugation of women. This also supports her conclusion that all men benefit
from rape.
Once again, I believe that Brownmiller is
turning insight into dogma here. It seems to me that human social structures,
culture and values are likely the result of a combination of biology
(Brownmiller rejects most evolutionary causes of human behavior) and the
evolution of society over time. These structures, culture and values,
particularly those revolving around monogamous relationships and marriage, did
indeed partially arise out of the need for mutual protection, including, but
not exclusive to, protection from rape. Monogamous relationships also arose as
a result of other reasons; there are all sorts of survival benefits to them. For
instance: it is a helpful for one person to go out and hunt, while another
stays close to home to process food, care for children, etc.
I must be clear about my beliefs in this
case. I am not contending that love, the desire for companionship, the genuine
desire to form monogamous relationships, etc. do not drive us. Instead, I am
saying that such positive (I am labeling the theme as positive) human emotions
and drives are the result of biological and cultural evolution because they
benefit human survival for a host of complicated reasons. I think that
Brownmiller is contending that these desires and structures evolved primarily
because men wish to subjugate women and that women sought protection from rape.
Once again Brownmiller makes a convincing case
that rape and the threat of rape played a part in the formation of these social
structures and values. However, it seems to me that attributing so much to rape
is oversimplifying something that is obviously much more complicated. Thus, I
do not believe that all men benefit from women’s fear of rape, no more than all
people who benefit from marriage are benefiting from the violence that may have
prompted humans and nature to develop the concept of marriage.
I have quoted only a few sentences here. Brownmiller
goes on for many pages elaborating, refining and attempting to support her
contentions. I devoted an entire blog to
these hypotheses for two reasons. First, though I disagree with Brownmiller’s
ultimate conclusions, I do think that she is on to something very important.
That is, rape has played a big part in the formation of human social structures
as well as in the oppression of women down through the millennia. I believe she
errs in contending that it has played the primary
Second, I find Brownmiller’s chain of
reasoning to be fascinating. She is a bold thinker who challenges our
perceptions by looking at human history, culture and society in different ways.
Though I do not think that she arrives at exactly the correct destination, she
has discovered some valuable roads as a result of the trip.
This book is bursting with opinions, theory, analyses
and philosophy about rape and gender issues that I have not even touched upon.
I agree with many, but by no means all, of the author’s contentions.
I must note that Brownmiller makes several
unsupported, generalized statements about men’s beliefs and perceptions. This
is an unfortunate flaw in what is otherwise a work of intellectual and
historical distinction.
The author’s beliefs as laid out in this work still cause a lot of controversy. She has been accused of misandry. This is unfounded. Her theories are intellectually based and rarely disparage men’s actions as an entire group. In terms of her generalizations about men that sometimes seem a little unfair, while they detract a little from her arguments, I will personally reserve any negative emotional response for those who have perpetuated the horror that is rape throughout the centuries and who still do so today.
Brownmiller is also very moderate in her views on most of
her other subjects, at least from the perspective of someone looking back 40
years. Though I did not look into every one of her statistics regarding rape, most
rang true or fit into what I know about the world. She has avoided some seemingly
exaggerated statistics that I have seen on the subject. Many of her suggestions
involving legal reform have already come about in much of the Western world. Her
suggestions on sentencing for people convicted of rape are actually less severe
then I would like to see. Finally, I cannot help mention that, like other
feminists, she helped bring to light the issue of, and advocated for justice
and protections for men who are rape survivors.
Regardless of what one thinks of Brownmiller’s arguments, for reasons
that I outlined in my two posts, this is a brilliant and valuable work. I
cannot recommend it to everyone, as it is full of descriptions of monstrous
sexual brutality. However, if one can get through that horror, this book is
highly recommended for all men and women.