Seven years has gone fast. What I originally envisioned for my blog I have realized. I wanted to talk about books. Books are about ideas and are sometimes about opinions and controversial issues. Thus, I wanted to express opinions. I did not want to shy around controversial issues. I had hoped that people would come to my comments section and not be afraid to express their opinions, even if they disagreed with me. All these things have come to pass.
Of course, not everything is perfect. I do not post as often as I would like to. Early on, I participated in a lot more group reads and events. As of late I have refrained from posting as often as I would like and from participating in group events. This is because my life outside of the blogging world has been very busy. Nevertheless, my blogging continues and I hope for less hectic future days when I can blog more and participate in the blogging community more. Some bloggers have expressed the feeling that they have gotten burned out or tired of blogging. I feel no such thing thus far. Perhaps the fact that I do not post nearly as much as I would like to has helped me to avoid burnout. Either way, I hope to be around for a while longer.
I hope that 2019 is a great year for everyone’s reading and blogging life. So once again, happy reading everyone!
Congratulations on your achievement! Here's to the next 7 years free of burn-out. I look forward to your future reviews (as always). Keep up the excellent work... Happy New Year!
Thanks CyberKitten - Hopefully the next 7 years will be good!
Congrats! You do a great job at writing about your opinions in a balanced way - I hope you continue to enjoy blogging and reading and sharing your interests with us.
Thanks Lory. I hope to be around a bit longer.
Hi Brian, Congratulations on seven years of blogging and very relieved that you have not gotten tired of blogging. I know I speak for so many when I say that we look forward to your posts, your excellent commentary and rhe anticipation of what book you will choose next. I hope you continue Babbling Books for a long long time and a Happy New Year to you and your family!
Thanks so much Kathy. Hopefully I can continue for awhile. Have a very Happy New Year’s!
Congratulations! If you've made it seven years, I'm sure you'll stay with it -- and I hope you do, because I enjoy reading your posts.
Congratulations! And have a happy New Year. I look forward to reading your thoughts on many more books :)
Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year. Those seven years have gone so fast. I enjoyed reading your posts and discussing books with you. Here’s to many more years.
a highpoint of my computing experience: valuable insights and pov's!
Congratulations, Brian. That's a great achievement. I always enjoy your thoughtful posts and appreciate your comments on the books you've been reading, It's always a pleasure to chat with you via our respective blogs. Wishing you all the very best for the year ahead, Jacqui
Ever since I came across your blog and started reading and commenting on it, it has remained one of my favorites! Although I don't usually read the same genres you do, your posts are always fascinating, very thorough, and actually make me WANT to read the books you post about! I am especially interested in classics and SF. However, I would like to read some of the history books you have reviewed, as well. If I had more time, I'd be blogging about such books on my other blog, which is, as you know, for more serious types of literature, and includes nonfiction, too.
I'd like to thank you for all of your great posts, as well as for your easygoing friendly manner. Even when you disagree with other commenters (including, at times, myself), you always remain courteous and pleasant. We need more of this, not only in the blogging world, but in the real one, too!!
So CONGRATS, my friend!! Keep up the AWESOME work!! I look forward to more TERRIFIC posts from you for many more years to come!! <3 <3
Have a WONDERFUL week!!! <3 :)
Happy Birthday Babbling Books!
I am so glad you have not burned out. I always enjoy your book thoughts.
Happy Bookaversary! Glad to hear you’ve achieved your goals. Blogging is a hobby, unless you’re getting paid for it(I do have one friend who is blogging for Booktopia), so you do it when you can. I post about twice a week which is enough for me. It’s always a pleasure to get an email informing me you’ve put your thoughts on line again.
Hi Brian! Has it really only been seven years? I feel like I've known you much longer. I am glad to read your blog posts, they are always thought-provoking and I always look forward to reading your comments on my own posts.
All the best to you and have a wonderful 2019!
Congratulations, and happy blogiversary, Brian Joseph! I always enjoy my visits here. Your commentary is thoughtful and though-provoking. I hope to read your blog for many more years!
Hi Sharon - It is funny in that sometimes it seems like I have been blogging longer. I also enjoy and appreciate our conversations. Wishing to the best in 2019!
Thanks so much Kathy - I hope to be around for awhile. I think that I have some interesting books coming up.
Thanks Stephen - I hope to be around for awhile.
Thanks Hila - Have a happy New Year's!
Thanks Caroline - I so enjoy your blog too. Happy 2019!
Thanks so much Mudpuddle, Your Blog is super too!
Thanks Jacqui - It has been fun chatting. Here's to many more years.
Thanks for the kind words Sue. It would be nice thing if I could do this for a living.
Thanks Suko - I hope that we both keep blogging for a long time.
Thanks so much Maria. You have been a true blogging friend. I think that you would like some of the history books as I think that I would like some of the books that you read ingenues that I do not always read. I will say, I like ti discuss controversial topics but I also like to keep it friendly. Hopefully we all will have great 2019!
Thanks so much Laurie - I hope to stay around for awhile!
Congratulations on seven productive years. I've been book blogging for about three, but still discovering new bloggers. I hope 2019 will be a great reading year.
Happy Blogiversary!! I started in 2005 and completely missed my 13th this year. I need to mark my calendar. I am in complete sympathy with your aims and though I just started following you, I see that you are achieving them. Blogger burnout is like any other burnout and I have either taken a break or figured out how to feel less burdened. I am happy you have not burned out. Smart you are!
Congrats, Brian!! I've really enjoyed the scope and depth of your reviews, and your comments sections are some of the best. Thanks for sharing your reading with us!
Sticking with a blog for seven years is a real achievement! I remember when we first met online. I think it must have been fairly soon after you started blogging, and although it doesn't seem like a long time ago, I guess it really is. Good on you for maintaining your enthusiasm for blogging, and I hope you're around for many years to come. I want to thank you for sticking with me and my fluctuating interest in the internet and blogging. It means a lot to me that you still read my posts. Best wishes for 2019!
Thanks Paula. I am still discovering new bloggers. I second the hope that 2019 will be a great one for reading.
Thanks Judy - I usually remember my blogovery because it is so close to New Year’s. .
Avoiding the feeling of being too busy is indeed something that I struggle with.
Thanks so much Marian. It is so fun to share reading experiences.
Thanks Violet - You were one of the first people to comment here. I really appreciate the fact that you still do. I also think that your blog is one of the most interesting sites around.
Happy 2019!
Congratulations Brian! I have enjoyed your insightful analysis and the diversity of your reading which sometimes delves into books I might not have otherwise confronted.
Thanks James. And thanks for your comment over the years.
Congrats on the birthday!
Happy 7! I hope you are around for a while longer too. I love your thoughtful posts! Did you make that cake? It looks delicious!
Thanks Rachel!
Thanks Stephanie - My wife made thaf cake a few months ago. It was really good.
Happy Blogiversary Brian. Glad you do not have burnout. I like blogging once a week which seems about right for me. Sometimes 10 days or 12 pass between posts but I try for once a week. Our lives are busy so we do what we can. I enjoy your blog and ideas so I will continue to be a faithful reader of it. Happy 2019.
Thanks Sue - I also try for once a week but I have been averaging about one out ten or twelve days lately. I honestly would blog more if I had the time.
I will also be reading your blog. Happy reading!
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! All the best for 2019.
Thanks JoAnn. Happy reading in 2019.
Congrats on your milestone. Blogging is a terrific way to carry on a conversation about books, ideas, and what matters to us. I've really enjoyed conversing with you via our respective blogs, and I hope I never burn out on sharing ideas with others!
Thanks for the great work you do in being part of the conversation.
Thanks Jane. I really enjoy the conversation and the exchange of ideas.
Well done, Brian! I love your book reviews and your balanced & thoughtful responses to the books you read, to other Bloggers & to the comments you receive. Keep on keeping on!
Thanks Carol. Happy reading in 2019!
Congratulations Brian, a brilliant blog always with insightful commentary, so glad you are still enjoying it. Best wishes for more!
Happy birthday, Brian!! I feel the same way as you—I've never got tired of blogging or suffered from burnout, but I definitely have less time for it than I'd like. I'd prefer to post more regularly and to visit other people's blogs more regularly too. But I always enjoy it when I do it, and visiting your blog is one of the highlights. As they say here in Greece, "Chronia polla!" - Here's to many more years!
Thanks so much Lindsey. Have a happy 2019!
Thanks Andrew. It is always appreciated when you can stop by to read and comment. Here’s to many more years.
Seven years, crikey! I think that makes you a lifer in the book blogging world! Congratulations Brian, I'm so glad you've stuck with it and you're still getting so much out of it after all this time. I, too, have my fingers crossed for less-hectic future days for you - quite selfishly, I admit, because I want to read more of your thoughts! ;) Hahahaha.
Thanks so much Sheree. I hope to get a few more posts up this year.
So sorry I missed this in the early new year flurry. Congrats Brian. I'm glad I started following you more closely last year. I've enjoyed you posts, and appreciate your responses to mine. It would be good to see more posts from you, but the good thing about blogging is that you are your own boss and can post as much or as little, as regularly or as irregularly as you like. People who like to read you will be there.
Hi WP - There is never a rush to comment. That is also a nice thing about book blogs. The posts stay up and do not expire.
You are right about being our own bosses. We have control over our blogs. That is really a good thing.
Congratulations Brian and happy blogging! I always enjoy your insightful posts. That cake looks yummy!
Thanks Naida. Every year, except for the first. I have used pictures of cakes that were baked by my wife.
Happy blogaversary Brian, we have been around almost as long as each other and here is to many many more years :D xxx
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
Thanks Lainy- Hopefully we will both be around for awhile longer.
Congratulations on 7 years. I don't visit as often as I'd like but I do enjoy reading your posts.
Thanks so much Diane!
Happy blogiversary! Keep up writing great posts. I look forward to reading more of your reviews.
It looks like we began blogging roughly the same time!! I starting my book blog on January 1, 2012 and haven't looked back since then.
My focus has been on writing reviews of book I've read, indie bookstores I visit, author events/book festivals I attend, Little Free Libraries I visit, book memes, bookish quotes, and pretty much anything book/author/library related I come across that catches my interest and may interest other avid readers.
I'm glad you haven't experienced burnout from blogging. I've had some experience with burnout periodically from posting so frequently. But have somehow managed to find a balance and keep on writing content.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the good word Captivated Reader.
We started blogging almost to the day! I will check out your blog shortly.
I do not post nearly as often as I would like to. I guess that helps me avoid burnout.
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