
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The 2014 Jane Eyre Read-Along hosted by A Night's Dream of Books & Babbling Books

The 2014 Jane Eyre Read-Along 
is brought to you by the blogs A Night's Dream of Books
Babbling Books!

When Maria of A Night's Dream of Books and myself began to discuss doing a read - along the first question that came to mind was what book to choose.  Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte became the apparent choice very early on. Maria and I have been discussing it lately and it is one of her favorites. Thus, this will be reread for her. For my part I have wanted to read this novel for a long time.

We have a schedule planned that will allow ourselves as well as other participants to engage in what I expect to be lively and stimulating posts and discussions. Please see below for details. All are welcome to join!

Please sign up in the Linky widget below in order to participate!  There will be plenty of time to discuss the novel, as this event will last for two months.  For the first post, there will only be three general questions:

We will also use the below Linky to link to our posts when we put them up.

What do you know about this novel and its author?

Have you ever read it before, or

is this your first reading?

Have you seen any of the TV 
or movie versions?

There will be six discussion questions each week of the read-along, to be alternately posted by each of the hosting blogs. You can select three of these questions, or answer all six of them.

On Nov. 21st, which is the last day of the read-along, reviews will be posted by all participants.

I look forward to reading this book and sharing my thoughts with Maria and all the other participants.

While over at Maria’s site folks will not help but notice that at A Night's Dream of Books is one of the most aesthetically pleasing blogs out there and that it is filled with insightful and interesting content. I encourage who are  unfamiliar with her site to explore.

Post & Reading Schedule

Announcement/Signup Post
Sept. 9th

A Night's Dream of Books
Babbling Books

Week 1: Sept. 22nd

Reading: Chapters 1 - 5
Thoughts on Reading Jane Eyre 
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
A Night's Dream of Books

Week 2: Sept. 29th

Reading: Chapters 6 -10
Discussion Questions: Chapters 1 - 5
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
Babbling Books

Week 3: Oct. 6th

Reading: Chapters 11 - 14
Discussion Questions: Chapters 6 - 10
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
A Night's Dream of Books

Week 4: Oct. 13th

Reading: Chapters 15 - 19
Discussion Questions: Chapters 11 - 14
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
Babbling Books

Week 5: Oct. 20th

Reading: Chapters 20 - 23
Discussion Questions: Chapters 15 - 19
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
A Night's Dream of Books

Week 6: Oct. 27th

Reading: Chapters 24 - 28
Discussion Questions: Chapters 20 - 23
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
Babbling Books

Week 7: Nov. 3rd

Reading: Chapters 29 - 33
Discussion Questions: Chapters 24 - 28
Discussion Question for Next Week:
A Night's Dream of Books

Week 8: Nov. 10th

Reading: Chapters 34 - 38
Discussion Questions: Chapters 29 - 33
Discussion Questions for Next Week:
Babbling Books

Week 9: Nov. 17th

Discussion Questions, Chapters 34 - 38

Week 9: Nov. 21st

Book Reviews Posted

Be sure to sign up in the
Linky Widget below!




Maria Behar said...

Hey, Brian!

I'm so excited about this read-along, and very happy to be co-hosting it with you!! "Jane Eyre" is a great classic, and I know it will yield many insights and thought-provoking posts from our followers!

Thank you so much for your compliments about my blog! I appreciate this tremendously!!

I'm looking forward to a great intellectual experience that will also be a lot of fun!! : )

Lucy said...

This sounds brilliant, Brian! Jane Eyre is a novel I've been meaning to reread for so long, although I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit it in with my university reading right now. All the more reason to keep up with the process and posts of others, however!

Good luck!

Lindsay said...

Brilliant idea and super choice of book, one of my favourites. I would love to try rereading it, though if I can't I'll still be reading the posts and seeing what others think.

The Bookworm said...

Oh wow! What a great read-a-long. And so well organized! I wish I could join since I have Jane Eyre sitting on my shelves for too long, but my reading workload for school this semester is pretty heavy.
I look forward to your discussion posts!

James said...

This is one of my life-long favorite books; one that I have read and reread going back to the early 1960s. I am overdue for another reading so this read-along provides an opportunity that, in spite of a busy reading schedule, I welcome.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Maria - This will indeed be both intellectual stimulating as well as fun.

It is my honor to co - host with you.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lucy - I must give credit to most of the really creative ideas surrounding our plan to Maria. She is the brains behind this operation!

I totally understand that you are busy. If you get a chance to join us it would be great however.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lindsay - As I mentioned most of the brilliance behind this is Maria's.

I seem to be the only not RE - reading this book.

I would love it if you got a chance to join us.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Naida - Once again I credit maria for the organization!

I too have been waiting a long time to read this one!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Naida - Once again I credit maria for the organization!

I too have been waiting a long time to read this one!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi James - i am so happy that you are joining us.

This event promises t be lively and fun.

So many books, so little time said...

I have the complete Novels of Jane Austen on my tbr. A friend bought it for me years ago and I haven't gotten round to reading it yet. I have said before I have read pride and prejudice but really need to read it as an adult.

I got back to University in just under two weeks so most of my fiction reading will be taking a back seat. I will however follow this with interest.


Suko said...

Brian Joseph, thank you for hosting this read-a-long with Maria. I am not able to participate, but I will be interested in reading the related posts. I've read this classic novel (a few times, at least!) and have also seen the movie. I look forward to reading your initial thoughts and impressions of Jane Eyre.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lainy - I certainly understand being busy.

I too have tons of unread books just waiting for me. Some day I will get to some of them.

Good luck and have fun at school.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Suko - This book seems to be one that most people have read that I have never gotten to. It also seems to be one that is often reread.

Thanks for stopping by!

JacquiWine said...

Hi Brian, just to say I read Jane Eyre many, many years ago now, and I enjoyed it very much. Great idea to co-host a readalong. I doubt whether I'll have an opportunity to re-read the book, but I'll be following your posts and critiques with interest. I think you'll like this book!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Jacqui - I already began the novel. So far it is super. More to come!

JaneGS said...

I love Jane Eyre so much and I do like read-alongs, but I don't think I can add another book to the list for Oct, though I might like to join in on the discussion.

I hope you enjoy it--truly an amazing book.

Maria Behar said...

Thank you so much for your compliments, Brian! I did put in a lot of time in order to organize the read-along, but I greatly enjoyed doing so! I'm looking forward to the start of this event, as well as to all of the comments from participants and observers!

I'd also like to thank you for co-hosting this with me!! : )

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Jane - i already began the novel and it is looking to be a great one.

I am looking forward to some great discussions.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

What a wonderful idea, I applaud yours and Maria's commitment to this Read-a-thon as there sounds like there has been a lot of thought and planning put into it. I look forward to following your progress.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Tracy - I think that this will indeed be a lot of fun as well as intellectually stimulating.

Delia (Postcards from Asia) said...

That's a great book, Brian, you're in for a wonderful reading experience. I've read this and Wuthering Heights a few years ago and loved them both, although the latter is my favorite.
There's a BBC series from 2006 that I really liked and recommend if you want to watch it. You may find it on Youtube.
Have fun with the read-long.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Delia - I have not seen the BBC series but I have seen the older film version. I will try to check the newer version one out soon.

Harvee44 said...

This sounds like a fun challenge/reading event. Sorry I won't be able to join you as I have a lot of book tours this fall. Great study of manners and society in this period of time.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Harvee - It seems like many of the British writers of this era really liked to examine manners and society! I am on a bit of a project to read many of them as late. The similarities and differences are interesting.

Caroline said...

What a great idea.
I've read it many years ago as well and wanted to re-read it some day. Un fortunately I can't make your readalong though. But I'll follow your posts.

Heidi’sbooks said...

Ohhh....I love this book. Don't be discouraged by the first 100 pages. It gets better and better. I would love to join but I have so many books I'm supposed to be reading. Let me look at my calendar and book stack for my other clubs. I'll get back to you.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Caroline - It seems that I the only one who has not read this book years ago.

Thanks for commenting!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Heidi - It would be great if you could join us but I understand being busy.

Thanks for the heads up. Some books really take time to get going.

So many books, so little time said...

Aw thanks Brian, I start back Monday so have the fear already. Will stop by and see how yoou all are getting on and good luck for those entering the giveaway.


Luccia Gray at Rereading Jane Eyre said...

I have read this novel many times, the first time about 40 years ago! However, I'm interested in reading again and seeing what new readers think about it in 2014.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Luccia- I am so glad that you will be joining us.

I seem to be the only one not doing a reread!