
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Two Years!

Today is Babbling Books’ second birthday. Looking back upon my one year post, I recall how I underscored how wonderful and dynamic the blogging community is. That aspect of this hobby is still what I appreciate most. I want to thank everyone who reads and who comments upon my site. It is still such great fun interacting with so many kind, thoughtful and intelligent people.

Last year I also mentioned how blogging has made me a better reader. I think that this goes hand in hand with being a clearer and more organized thinker. Outside of job related technical writing, I never wrote on a consistent basis before. It seems that as time goes by I have gotten better at formulating coherent thoughts and arguments. I attribute this almost entirely to blogging and the constant need to formulate semi - intelligible posts.

I have also become more disciplined and less likely to throw around ill - considered thoughts. After all, if I put out an idea here, I really need to make sure that I can support  and back it up that idea. Otherwise my friends and commenters might check me on it! I never censor my statements because they might be unpopular (But I always try to be respectful of other people and ideas, even if I disagree with them. However, this topic is for another post.). However I do think twice about writing something that may not be supported by facts or reason. I do believe that this way of communicating has seeped into my everyday personal and professional life. Blogging has been good for me in so many unexpected ways!

In the past twenty - four months I have posted 107 entries including this one. Hopefully the coming years will bring many more. Happy reading and blogging everyone!


Anonymous said...

Why that went fast didn't it? It's been an even better community since you've been in it. I hope to see you around for many more of these anniversaries! Belle

Heidi’sbooks said...

Congratulations! We are certainly better people for having you in the blogging community.

Delia (Postcards from Asia) said...

Happy blog anniversary,Brian! Here's to many more books to read, friends to make and comments to write. Cheers!
P.S. I wouldn't mind a slice of that cake either. ;)

Caroline said...

Congratulations, Brian.
It went quick indeed.
I hope you will continue to enjoy blogging and reading. I'm glad that you are around and for branching out. It's always interesting to see what you've been reading and to hear your thoughts on it.

LMR said...

These two years with you have been wonderful, Brian! Your reading choices are inspired and I like the way you analyse them. I wish you another year of exquisite writing!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

A very happy blogoversary. Here's to the next 2 years and more.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Two years. That went fast.
I'm glad you're still enjoying yourself. It means more posts in the future.


Amateur Reader (Tom) said...

Congratulations. Soon you will be a veteran blogger. Maybe you already are.

Writing is a kind of thinking, isn't it?

Richard said...

Happy Blogiversary, Brian! I appreciate your thoughtful writing on your blog AND your generous comments on other people's blogs (not just my own either). That makes dialogue with others much more of a rewarding experience. Cheers!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Belle - It really did go fast like everything else these days! Thanks for good word.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Heidi - Thanks so much you are too kind.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Delia - Thanks so much.

That Cake was a actually a White Chocolate/ Chocolate cake that my wife made a couple of years ago.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Caroline - Thanks so much. This tome thing just must slow down!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Miguel - Thanks so much.

I have also been inspired by both yours, and many other blogs!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Tracy - Thanks! I have high hopes for the next couple of years.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Emma - Thanks so much. You know I was looking at my first post. You were actually my first commenter!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Tom - Thanks!

Though I can be accused of sometimes speaking without thinking, I try to think a little when I write :)

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Richard - Thanks so much.

You know the dialogue about books is fantastic. As I wrote last year, it is kind of like being part of a a vast international book club!

Sharon Wilfong said...

Congratulations! That cake looks delicious!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Sharon. My wife made that cake a few years ago and I recall it being very delicious!

joyce said...

Hi Brian...It seems like yesterday that I was wishing you Happy First Aniversary!! But here it is, two years of blogging.What an experience!
Your blog is always so interesting and fresh.. Keep it up for many more years!!

The Bookworm said...

Happy Blog-versary to one wonderful, intelligent and articulate blogger!
Isn't it funny how book blogging can have such positive results, such as making people better readers and writers?

The Bookworm said...

p.s. Now I'm craving cake

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Joyce - Thanks for the good word. Time is indeed going by so very fast!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Naida - You are too kind. The benefits of blogging seem endless.

Now if I could only find a way to share cake online...

Guy Savage said...

Congrats Brian. I agree with you, blogging does make you pay more attention to your reading. This year I committed to Proust. Wish me luck.

Lucy said...

Congratulations, Brian! Thank you for such continually engaging and interesting blog posts, and here's to many more blog birthdays!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Guy - Thanks!

Good luck with Proust. I am sure that you are more then up for the challenge.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lucy - Thank you for your kind words.

Hopefully we will all be keeping this up for a very long time!

Suko said...

Congratulations on your 2nd blogiversary, Brian! I've been away for the holidays but am back now. Happy 2014 to you and your family and readers. :)

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Suko - I hope that you have had enjoyable travels.

Happy 2014 to you and yours!

JaneGS said...

Happy blogoversary!

I definitely resonate with your comments about how blogging has made you a more thoughtful reader and more careful writer. I truly love the venue my blog provides for me to wax poetic about what strikes my fancy, and, like you, I love the community that book blogging provides. It is truly a privilege to have regular discourse about the books that shape our lives.

May you have a marvelous 2014!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Jane - Thanks!

Indeed, having a blog that allows one to express oneself is priceless.

Lindsay said...

Many congratulations Brian! And a Happy New Year! I am glad to have discovered your blog and I really enjoy reading your posts.

Lee-Anne said...

Congratulations, Brian! So glad I met you. Keep up the excellent posts. Yours is one of my favourite blogs on the web :)

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lindsay - Thanks so much. I love your site too. Heres to many more years of blogging.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lee - Ann - Thanks for your kind words. I so enjoy your blog too!

Violet said...

I like the way you engage so deeply with books, and your insightful posts are always a pleasure to read. I'm glad you're still enjoying blogging. Long may you continue!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks so much Violet. It really has beena lot of fun!

Harvee44 said...

Happy second anniversary! I wish I could have some of that cake! Many more years of blogging!

seraillon said...

Brian -

Belated congratulations! Um…is there any cake left? Thanks for keeping up such an enjoyable blog. I greatly look forward to seeing what Year 3 will bring!


Brian Joseph said...

Hi Harvee - Thanks so much. It was a few years ago since I had that cake, It really was good!

Maria Behar said...

WOW, Brian!! It's been TWO years already? CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And a very Happy New Year to you & your family, as well!! WOOT, WOOT!!!!

You know, you have such interesting posts, and you are so thorough in your analyses of books! That's why I really enjoy reading your thoughts! I also enjoy the great comments from your readers. It's so wonderful to get comments that really discuss the content of your posts. Most of the comments you get are not what I like to call "one-liners", either. Why comment at all if you're just going to write one short sentence? (Gee, I sure hope I haven't stepped on any toes here.....)

Anyway, BIG CONGRATS to you, and please keep those AWESOME posts coming!!!!! : )

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Maria - Thanks so much for your kind words. I do think short comments are OK. As we have discussed sometimes it really takes lots of time and energy to leave a longer, thoughtful comment. Sometimes as we all know the time and/or energy is not available. I think that a short comment can just show the one stopped by and looked at the post.

Happy New Year! Lets hope 2014 is a good one!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Scott - thanks for the good word. I am hoping that year three will be a good one.

So many books, so little time said...

Wow happy blog anniversary. I haven't known you since you started but in the short time I have been visiting here I have really enjoyed your words and thoughts.


James said...

Congratulations. While I have not been following your blog for the whole two years I am glad that I am now a regular reader and will be with you for the next year and beyond.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi James - Thanks! Same is true of your most excellent site for me!

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Lainy Thanks so much - i am really glad that I found your site too!