
Saturday, January 2, 2016

4 Years Old!

Babbling Books is four years old today! When I started out, I had only a vague idea of where this blog would go.  Four years later, I find myself very satisfied with the direction that my site has taken. I am also very happy about the fact that I am interacting with all sorts of bright and interesting bookish people.

Thus, my first order of business, as I have done on past anniversaries, is to express appreciation the wonderful blogging community with whom I regularly interact. I have met so many interesting and intelligent fellow bloggers. I must thank all of those who have commented on Babbling Books over the years.

 Contemplating the past four years, I am struck by how much about blogging has improved the way that I think. I touch upon all sorts of social, political, scientific and other subjects in my posts. I have always thought a lot about these subjects and have held lots of opinions on them.  Putting my thoughts about these topics into words has done so much to refine my outlook. Writing about these matters has made me think even more deeply about them. Thinking in such detail has helped me to understand the nuances and complexities that I otherwise might have missed. It has also made me more likely to contemplate competing ideas. As an added bonus, I now have a permanent and ongoing record of my thoughts on these various subjects.

As 2016 begins, I am looking forward to another year of sharing my thoughts on engaging books and concepts. I am also looking forward to more fruitful interactions with the bookish folk of the Internet.

Happy reading everyone!


Brian Joseph said...

Thanks for the good word R.T.

And thank you for the perspective from the point of view of our furry friends.

Suko said...

Congratulations on four years of blogging! Your blog is interesting and thought-provoking. I hope 2016 will be a terrific year of reading and blogging. Happy New Year to you and your family, Brian Joseph!

Lory said...

Congratulations on four years of blogging -- that really is an achievement! The best part is that you are enjoying it and finding it fruitful, and the rest of us get to enjoy reading your thoughts as well.

JoAnn said...

Four years is quite an achievement - congratulations!! I always enjoy reading your thought-provoking posts.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Suko. Happy New Year to you and yours. I think 2016 will be good!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Lory.

It really has been fun.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks for the good word JoAnn.

James said...

Congratulations on your fourth anniversary of blogging. I really appreciate your commentaries and reviews. Through your blogging I have learned about books that I would have never encountered and been reminded why I enjoyed some old favorites. Hope you continue to raise interesting issues and ideas.

So many books, so little time said...

Happy blogaversary & happy new year Brian. I love coming here, almost always every book is one I haven't heard of or that I wouldn't normally pick up myself. Here is to many more reads, reviews, discussions and recommendations.


Guy Savage said...

Congrats Brian. Blogging is a healthy hobby IMO

Violet said...

Is it four years already? I remember when you first started this blog and it doesn't seem that long ago! :) I'm glad you're still around. You're one of the most supportive and interactive book bloggers out there, and your posts are always interesting and thought-provoking to read. Long may your blog continue!

Delia (Postcards from Asia) said...

Happy blog anniversary, Brian! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog. May you write here for many more years!

JacquiWine said...

Happy Blog anniversary, Brian. It's always interesting to read your reflections on the books you've been reading. Happy New Year to you - wishing you all the best for the year ahead!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks James.

One of the benefits of the blogging community is finding out about all these books we would never have otherwise heard of.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Lainy.

As I mentioned to James, one great thing about the blogging community getting peeks into all sorts of books we otherwise would not have given a look at.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Violet.

Time goes by so fast!

And thank you also. I do remember that on many of my early blog posts, you were one of the few, sometimes the only one, commenting on my entries.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Delia.

Lets hope that we all have our blogs for many years to come.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Guy.

Your comment is funny, but very true.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Jacqui.

Much of blogging about sharing our ideas.

Happy New Year to you and your family.

The Bookworm said...

Happy Blog-versary Brian and Happy New Year! I always look forward to coming here to read your interesting and well articulated posts and discussions.
Chocolate cake and wine! Two of my favorite things.

Harvee44 said...

Congratulations on the fourth anniversary of your very thoughtful and thought provoking blog. I hope this year to post more reviews of books I read and to be more honest about what I think of them! Happy New Year!

Sharon Wilfong said...

Congratulations! I wish you many years of happy blogging!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Sharon!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Naida!

There just has to be food and beverages at any celebration :)

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Harvee.

I also am determined to get more books in this year.

Richard said...

Congrats on your blog's first four years, Brian, and here's hoping that you have at least another four years of blogging left in the tank. With any luck, I hope to read and review a significant amount more of history books this year as inspired by your example. Thanks for the prod!

Maria Behar said...


WOW. I had no idea you had been blogging for FOUR years! Incredible, how time flies!!

Let me say that I am very happy to have found your blog and made your acquaintance. Not only are your posts very thought-provoking, but also very well-written and thought out. You've made me ponder historical and political topics that I probably would never take the time to think about, to be honest with you.

I especially love your posts regarding feminism, as that is definitely one of my major interests. And how about science fiction? You know I love reading about that, as well!

In addition to the above, you are one of the nicest bloggers I've met since I began blogging myself. Even when you disagree with someone, you do so in a polite, rational manner. I really appreciate that! And you always comment back on blogs, as well as replying to comments left on your posts.

So here's to FOUR MORE YEARS!! Naw.....I hope it's a LOT more than that!! KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!!! : )

Scott W. said...

Hey Brian, congratulations! It's great to see Babbling Books persist and grow and continue to spread an infectious curiosity and appreciation for good literature (and history too, for that matter). And from the photo, it appears you celebrated appropriately. Here's to a terrific year five!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Richard.

There is so much to read and so little time. We need to fit more of history and other stuff into out reading.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Scott.

Cake is always good!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks so much Maria. Your words mean a lot.

We do share these interests in such fascinating topics.

Agreed, I want to go on for a lot more then four years!

Have a great week!

Heidi’sbooks said...

Brian, Congratulations! It has been great reading your posts through the years. I'm glad you are sticking with it.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Heidi - Hopefully I will be around for awhile!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Only slightly late. Happy blogoversary. Wonderful to have spent the last four years in such company, here's the next four and beyond.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Tracy.

Your comments o my posts have been wonderful.

Happy 2016!

Kate Love said...

Happy Blogiversary Brian!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Brian!
I agree with you: book blogging is a fantastic opportunity to find like-minded readers and it deepens our reading.

To more years of book blogging!

thecuecard said...

Hear, hear Brian. Congrats on 4 years! Your blog posts are always interesting and informative and I look forward to reading more of your reviews in 2016! Glad I found your site.

Bina @ Ifyoucanreadthis said...

Yay, happy blogoversary!!! I'm late to the party, but I'm glad I found your blog :) Having a record of one's bookish thoughts is wonderful, I look at olde rposts every now and then and it's so interesting to see how one's tastes and interests develope.

Priya said...

Congrats on four years of blogging, Brian. I love reading your analyses of books and I look forward to many more. Happy new year! :)

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Kate!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Emma.

And thank you agin for being the first person ever to comment on my blog four years ago!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Susan. I am glad that I found your site too.

Here is to many more years of blogging for us all.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Bina.

I am glad that I found your blog.

It is striking how my thoughts on books have changed over the years.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks for the good word Priya.

Happy New Year!

HKatz said...

Happy blog anniversary! (And happy New Year too.)

I always find your posts enjoyable and thought-provoking, though for now I'll skip the last one due to the major spoilers for a book I want to read :)

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Hila.

That is why I put up the spoiler warning :)

Citizen Reader said...

Congratulations! Feels so nice to find a place to interact with nice and bookish people, doesn't it? I find that sort of thing disturbingly hard to find when out and about...
Here's to (at least) another four years!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Sarah.

Indeed finding folks to converse with about books is often so difficult. The digital age has opened so many doors for us.

Stefanie said...

Congratulations! That cake looks soooo good! I hope there are many more years of blogging ahead!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Stephanie.

The cake was a made by my wife a few months ago. It contains a lot of Nutella.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Gary and that you for your posts and comments.

I will mis your blog.

Good luck in all your future endeavors.

JaneGS said...

Happy reading to you as well. I agree that blogging has improved the way I think and respond to what I read.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Jane.

What a difference it has made in my life.

Caroline said...

Already four years? Amazing. Congratulations. I'm looking forward to see what you'll be reading and writing about next year.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Caroline.

Time has flown.

I want to that you for being one of the first people to start coming to my blog and commenting.

Happy 2016!

Rachel said...

Blogging has improved the way I think and even changed the way I socialize (at least online). It's amazing how fulfilling it can be, even though I find it difficult to find the time and the energy to do it. Sometimes I really have to force myself to sit down and blog, especially when I'm not feeling well. But by the time I have actually written something I feel so much better. It's my best self-improvement tool.

Brian Joseph said...

Hi Rachel -

Time and energy are indeed an challenge when it comes to blogging. I try and work on a blog a little bit every day, even if it is only for ten minutes or so. Still, sometimes it is a challenge to do so.

Lindsay said...

Apologies Brian for a very late comment but sending you huge congratulations for four years of your brilliant blog! Also apologies for not commenting for ages. I have been reading and enjoying your posts via email subscription and always find them interesting and insightful. Cheers to more posts! All the best.

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Lindsay. No need to apologize. Life gets busy. I hope that you are well.

Deepika Ramesh said...

Many congratulations, Brian. I discovered your blog only recently, but I already seem to love it. Thank you. :)

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks so much Deepika! Thanks again for stopping by,

Laurie C said...

How is it I've only just discovered you? I think it's easier for WordPress bloggers to connect with other WP bloggers, and it's harder to discover Blogger bloggers, somehow. I don't know if that's true or not! Happy Blogoversary!

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks Laurie and thanks for stopping by.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Congratulations Brian, sorry I missed this post in January. I'm coming up on 8 years and I always say this will be my last as it is work -- LOL --that never seems to happy though

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks for stopping by Diane.

Blogging is a lot of work and it is tempting to let it go sometimes.

The Reader's Tales said...

Brian as we say down here "better late than never" so congratulations on four years of blogging! Glad I found your little corner.
PS: dear, that cake looks so yummy... hummmmm

Brian Joseph said...

Thanks so much Reader's Tales.

I am glad that I found your bog too.

The cake is another wonderful creation of my wife's